Wednesday, October 30, 2019

What Specific Problems Could Be Created By the Permanent Assignment of Essay

What Specific Problems Could Be Created By the Permanent Assignment of a Judge to the Juvenile Division - Essay Example The researcher states that now the court administration is contemplating on whether or not it will be a wise decision to permanently assign a judge to the juvenile division. For a while, this idea might appear to be a sensible solution to the problem of increasing workload. By assigning a judge permanently to the juvenile division, the current hybrid approach of the court can be controlled considerably. Hence, the risk of increased ambiguity on the part of the court staffs will be lessened. Moreover, the efficiency of the different categories of the justice system can be increased if specialist judges are given permanent assignments to their respective area of specialization. However, every legal expect would not agree with the idea of permanent assignment. The permanent assignment may be theoretically a rewarding idea. Nevertheless, a judge who has to handle a permanent assignment is repeatedly exposed to the same type of cases. According to Baum, short term and long term specializa tions are the two most prominent categories of specialization in law. Hence, specialist judges are better trained in handling special courts and cases. Nevertheless, when some judges are given â€Å"permanent assignments to particular types of cases, including, by definition, judges who serve on specialized courts†, they face high psychological stress. This psychological stress results from repeated hearing of the same sort of cases. And if the court administrator starts to give a selected judge (particularly one who has been serving in a hybrid court system) similar cases constantly, he/she may be overwhelmed. Of course, the judge has to see the same sort of crimes, face the same sort of questions, and deal with the same branch of law (here, it is the juvenile code) all the time. In fact, when a judge is aware that he/she will have to hear the same kind of cases for a long period of time, this very reality may affect the way he/she thinks.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Thesis statement Essay Example for Free

Thesis statement Essay Write a thesis statement each as per the Feminist theory of Criticism and the Reader-Centered theory of Criticism based on â€Å"A Rose for Emily†. Use the author’s name in it. Some of the tips you could use are as follows- Feminist- Use words such as â€Å"depicts† ,† illustrates† â€Å" portrays† etc. Determine what it says about women in general. Determine how it portrays the main female character(s) in the selection; about her traits. What does the selection reveal about the author’s attitude towards women? What does the conflict, or the setting reveal about the condition of women? What is the main female character’s reaction to the situation/ conflict? Reader-Centered Use words / phrases such as â€Å"evokes feelings of†,† forces the readers to think†, â€Å"impresses upon the reader† etc. . Decide what the most striking feature of the story is. What distinguishes the author’s style from those of others? The subject, vocabulary used, sentence length, point of view, imagery, local color, use of dialect, tone and some other aspects can be considered to comment on his/ her style. Make connections between text to text, text to world, text to media. Write a thesis statement each as per the Feminist theory of Criticism and the Reader-Centered theory of Criticism based on â€Å"A Rose for Emily†. Use the author’s name in it. Some of the tips you could use are as follows- Feminist- Use words such as â€Å"depicts† ,† illustrates† â€Å" portrays† etc. Determine what it says about women in general. Determine how it portrays the main female character(s) in the selection; about her traits. What does the selection reveal about the author’s attitude towards women? What does the conflict, or the setting reveal about the condition of women? What is the main female character’s reaction to the situation/ conflict? Reader-Centered Use words / phrases such as â€Å"evokes feelings of†,† forces the readers to think†, â€Å"impresses upon the reader† etc.. Decide what the most striking feature of the story is. What distinguishes the author’s style from those of others? The subject, vocabulary used, sentence length, point of view, imagery, local color, use of dialect, tone and some other aspects can be considered to comment on his/ her style. Make connections between text to text, text to world, text to media. Write a thesis statement each as per the Feminist theory of Criticism and the Reader-Centered theory of Criticism based on â€Å"A Rose for Emily†. Use the author’s name in it. Some of the tips you could use are as follows- Feminist- Use words such as â€Å"depicts† ,† illustrates† â€Å" portrays† etc. Determine what it says about women in general. Determine how it portrays the main female character(s) in the selection; about her traits. What does the selection reveal about the author’s attitude towards women? What does the conflict, or the setting reveal about the condition of women? What is the main female character’s reaction to the situation/ conflict? Reader-Centered Use words / phrases such as â€Å"evokes feelings of†,† forces the readers to think†, â€Å"impresses upon the reader† etc.. Decide what the most striking feature of the story is. What distinguishes the author’s style from those of others? The subject, vocabulary used, sentence length, point of view, imagery, local color, use of dialect, tone and some other aspects can be considered to comment on his/ her style. Make connections between text to text, text to world, text to media.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Importance of Effective Listening Skills in the Workplace Essay

The Importance of Effective Listening Skills in the Workplace Every business consists of a variety of communication activities such as listening, speaking, questioning, gathering and participating in small work groups. The listening skill is one of the most important aspects of communication process. It helps to understand and read the other person’s message. Effective listening skills create positive workplace relationships which influence our opinions and responsiveness to one another. There is a big difference between hearing and listening. Hearing is a physical ability that the ears receive feelings and transmit them to the brain while listening is a skill. Listening skills allow one to make sense of what another person is saying. In other words, listening skills let you to understand what someone is "talking about†. It requires concentration so that your brain processes meaning from words and sentences. Listening and understanding what others communicate to us is the communication process needed for interpersonal effectiveness. If you listen well, you will understand the meaning of the message. If you are unfocused, you will not know most of what the other person is saying. However, there is a range of listening skills that can be learned to develop the communication effectiveness. Firstly, encouraging listening points to the listener that is willing to do more than listen. Usually it provides feedback that supports speakers to say more. Fur...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Human Resources Outsourcing Essay

I. Topic In today’s fierce competition in business, corporations need to generate more revenue creatively while keeping cost of sales at minimum level without scarifying efforts. Michael Porter refers this current competition as ‘hyper competition’, which he thinks it best describes the intense development of business today. Amidst highly demanding consumers, companies spawn new methods and uncharted techniques to gain the lead within their industries. Concerning the need to reduce costs, enterprises strive for finding the best methods to increase revenue while keeping costs as low as possible. While the technology advancement can help enterprises to reach economy of scale, outsourcing of employees (human resources) can be the attractive savior for them to keep their fixed costs, which contributed by cost of employees and researches to name a few, to reach minimum level. Many believed that outsourcing is a breakthrough that will adjust the way corporations manage their human resources in the future although some may have problems in differentiating outsourcing with employer-vendor relationship, but the bottom line is outsourcing involves a degree of two-way relationship, including information exchange and coordination. In addition, there are also those who reveal the economic threats that come along with the outsourcing method. Outsourcing is an activity to transfer existing business function to external provider that includes delegating the functions of relevant physical and human assets toward external providers. While outsourcing provides attractive benefits for employers, they should consider many potential drawbacks including the different culture between employers and the outsourced personnel. II. Statement of the Problem Outsourcing involves transferring significant amount of management control and decision making to the chosen outsourcing provider. Fortunately, in the Internet era where any documentations process is exchangeable over the Internet and jobs can be discussed via e-mail or instant messaging, outsourcing-typed employment model have proved to promote significant savings.   According to McKinsey & Co, Internet-enabled services (ITES) market is likely to touch $142 billion in 2009. There would be a net saving about $390 billion from current $532 billion for these services (Kurian, 2003). U.S. can fulfill the net saving through off shoring to other countries, like India. Dookril (2004), in general, says there are two main advantages that companies obtain by outsourcing: – Focusing on Core Competencies This is the most common reason to outsource in which the company can focus and develop its core competences although some companies also outsource their core functions in order to gain better competitive advantages in the market they serve. – Lowering Cost At a glance, outsourcing can help companies to cut additional cost associated with the employee cost like medical and travel allowance since the companies only pay in bulks to the provider of outsourcing staffs. In this situation, the company can shift the variable costs of employees into fixed costs, which in turn, enable the company to manage its cost of sales and offer competitive price to customers. However, outsourcing might also poses disadvantages since the inclusion of external parties in efforts of achieving corporate goal. The common problems in outsourcing are: Uncertainty of Product or Service Quality Media and companies, which has used outsourcing, reveals the discouraging facts that sometimes outsourcing leads to worse services or products as the outsourced functions also reach core functions like sales and customer service. Security Because the outsourcing provider has access to certain corporate functions, documents, database, and other resources; it raises concerns about the security of corporate confidential information. Concerning the benefits and drawbacks of outsourcing method in human resource management (HRM) discussion, as mentioned above, therefore the research statement or question for this research is â€Å"As corporations realize the benefits of outsourcing, what are some of the barriers that HR outsourcing creates between employee and employers that may widen the gap between tem and result in the unachieved target?† I choose this research statement or question since it may be different from others who only focus on the benefits of outsourcing. Instead of discussing the partial discussion on outsourcing issues, I decide to discuss the potential clashes caused by outsourcing since according to Michel Janssen, founder and President of Everest Group, there is possibility that outsourcing have closed relation to the loss of jobs in the US. III. Subquestions Concerning the elaboration of outsourcing, this paper will discuss three main research questions as following: 1. This paper intends to discuss how successful is human resource outsourcing and what factors and initiatives that best take advantages of outsourcing that contribute to the success? 2. Using the non-participant observation method, collecting data and analyzing qualitative information from journal, books, magazine and other online materials, this paper aims at elaborating the effects does HR outsourcing have on employees’ benefits and services? 3.   In addition, the paper aims at formulating and suggesting the areas of human resources need outsourcing in order to describe the future for HR outsourcing By using the three research questions as mentioned above, this paper hopes that in the end, there are particular stances towards outsourcing issues in order to better manage human resources of a company.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Motherhood as Vocation

Of Woman Born: Motherhood as Experience and Institution reveals the trials and tribulations of mothers everywhere and across time through the voice and experiences of its author, Adrienne Rich.   This classic piece of feminist literature is an exceptionally relevant work even after the thirty years since its original publication.   Motherhood, as described by Rich, is a â€Å"Sacred Calling† with a healthy dose of irony.   From this description it is not entirely clear the depth of Rich's personal experience and perception of motherhood.   In reading the book, though, her message of motherhood as a skewed institution becomes entirely clear. Rich describes her experiences in motherhood as being fairly forgettable save for the exception of â€Å"anxiety, physical weariness, anger, self blame, boredom and divisions within† herself.   These feelings seem to sum up the experiences of many mothers and, yet, we also often hear of the fine points of mothering, as well.   We hear of the joy in hearing a child's first words.   We hear of the fun in taking a toddler to the park for exploration. Even the trials we hear of regarding the trouble-making teens seem laced with a subtle but happy sentimental reflection.   Rich's reflections on motherhood, though, only seem to fixate on the loneliness, fears and negativity associated with the difficult occupation of motherhood.   Readers are not privileged to the enjoyable aspects of her motherhood experiences.   In fact, readers are made to believe that, perhaps, all motherhood was for Rich was the trials and tribulations. The view of motherhood that readers get from Rich's descriptions is that she feels put upon, oppressed by the institution of motherhood and a part of a culture (motherhood) that is undervalued and under-appreciated.   Yet motherhood is perhaps the most vital institution of all.   So while the integral components of this institution, the mothers, must embark on the grand journey for which they received the sacred calling, they are not justly rewarded but, instead, penalized for participating.  Ã‚   Therein, perhaps, lies the biggest irony of all: motherhood is the institution that keeps civilization running and, yet, this multifaceted position has become one of the least valued. Throughout history, as Rich sees it, mothers have not received the admiration they are due.   Instead, they have been oppressed and treated as though their roles are to be expected but not appreciated.   In addition to this hegemonically accepted perception of motherhood, women have been made to feel as though their main function as a human being is to reproduce.   Thus, women have been made to feel as though they are only true women through the act of bearing and raising children. At the time of the book's writing, the Women's Movement was in full swing and the sad state of the institution of motherhood had become even more pitiful.   Although women were entering the workforce more and more, mothers were still being treated as second class citizens who were expected to maintain their roles of mother over all else.   But, the situation was becoming even worse.   Now, women were elated to be welcomed (or somewhat welcomed) into the workforce and, yet, they were soon to be expected to take on everything in addition to motherhood! Things have progressively gotten worse for women in the institution of motherhood.   With the Women's Movement and its combining with the established role of motherhood, women have bought in to the ideal that they are, in fact, expected to take on everything.   Women have been allowed to work the long days just like men, but something is different between the sexes: women are still expected to tend to the children and the household just as much as the pre-Women's Movement days. So, really, women are taking on the jobs of at least two people and being sold on the idea that this is the best of both worlds.   Rich's trials took place in the confines of her own household without the added trouble of trying to incorporate her working life.   In Of Woman Born: Motherhood as Experience and Institution, Rich sounds most bothered, in her motherhood experiences, by the boredom of her life and the lack of outside outlets available to her.   That is, Rich's story appears to be one of a bored mother with only her children to focus on.   For someone like Rich who had career aspirations and maybe didn't necessarily even possess the drive to have children, the institution of motherhood only served to hold her back and push her down. The institution of motherhood is one that is certainly oppressive.   I believe it is, as Rich suggests, a means by which patriarchal influences have maintained control over womankind.   However, part of being a mother is the desire to want to mother.   I believe that times have changed somewhat since the time of the writing and more and more women are seeing that they do not have to bear and raise children out of obligation.   Of course, there is the new problem that women feel the need to be Superwomen and do it all, but at least the weight to bear children is a flexible one that can be lifted if desired. Hegemonic ideals will always dominate, but personal choice can have a greater influence if we have faith in ourselves and our roles in life.   Although the institution of motherhood may always be tainted by the facets that serve to oppress mothers everywhere, personal choice can ultimately dictate our place in the world, individual roles of motherhood and the ability to enjoy that role if it is ones true chosen path.   

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Difference between communism and socialism essays

Difference between communism and socialism essays The history of Communism started with one man Vladimir Ilich Lenin. Communism is a system of government in which resources and production facilities are the property of the entire society rather than individuals. In a communist society, Labor is shared equally and the benefits of labor are distributed according to need. Under such a System, All people would be equal, without class. Although the basic idea of communism has existed since the time of Plato, modern communism is identified with the system of government described by Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels in the "Communist Manifest". They believe that capitalistic systems, in which the rich upper class prospered through the exploitation of the powerless lower class, were bound to destroy themselves. At this point, the poor would rebel against their former oppressors and form classless society. Russian Revolution of 1917, series of events in imperial Russia that culminated in 1917 with the establishment of the Soviet state that becam e known as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). The two successful revolutions of 1917 are referred to collectively as the Russian Revolution. The first revolution overthrew the autocratic imperial monarchy. It began with a revolt on February 23 to 27, 1917, The second revolution, which opened with the armed insurrection of October 24 and 25, organized by the Bolshevik Party against the Provisional Government, effected a change in all economic, political, and social relationships in Russian society; it is often designated the Bolshevik, or October, Revolution. The causes of the Russian Revolution are rooted deep in Russia's history. For centuries, autocratic and repressive czarist regimes ruled the country and most of the population lived under severe economic and social conditions. During the 19th century and early 20th century various movements aimed at overthrowing the oppressive government were staged at different times by students, w...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on The Great Man Theory

The Great Man Theory: How Great Is It? In 1840, British historian Thomas Carlyle delivered a string of lectures â€Å"On Heroes, Hero Worship and the Heroic in History†. Here Carlyle submitted his â€Å"Great Man† theory- that exceptional individuals are responsible for instigating momentous change. The theory states that most ages are unable to achieve their full potential because of some kind of political or cultural gridlock. It is only when a great man- a charismatic, powerful leader- enters that the gridlock can be broken and the potential can be realized. To evaluate the theory’s usefulness, its components can be analyzed and applied to two examples of â€Å"great men† of history: Alexander of Macedon, and Gaius Julius Caesar. From these examples, it can be concluded that the â€Å"Great Man† Theory is seriously flawed: it oversimplifies by placing all responsibility in one person. When addressing whether a â€Å"Great Man† intended to do what he did, the theory is helpful in identifying important actors. After resolving disturbances and revolts within Macedonia and Greece, Alexander the Great thrust into Asia Minor in a campaign that would eventually level the Persian Empire. He pushed through Persia on to the frontiers of India, and his conquest was halted only by the grumbling of his own soldiers. Alexander’s vision of â€Å"one world† was one in which Greek colonies would be spread throughout the conquered lands and serve as cultural melting pots; however, it was not to be. His death left a power vacuum, and the â€Å"one world† was left divided. Yet, the eastward emigration that Alexander initiated left Greece as an internationally dominant nation. Alexander definitely intended to achieve his conquest. Even before assuming the throne, Alexander’s ambition and lust for conquest was legendary. As illustrated in The Life of Alexander by Plutarch, he once ridiculed his father for drunkenness and displayed h... Free Essays on The Great Man Theory Free Essays on The Great Man Theory The Great Man Theory: How Great Is It? In 1840, British historian Thomas Carlyle delivered a string of lectures â€Å"On Heroes, Hero Worship and the Heroic in History†. Here Carlyle submitted his â€Å"Great Man† theory- that exceptional individuals are responsible for instigating momentous change. The theory states that most ages are unable to achieve their full potential because of some kind of political or cultural gridlock. It is only when a great man- a charismatic, powerful leader- enters that the gridlock can be broken and the potential can be realized. To evaluate the theory’s usefulness, its components can be analyzed and applied to two examples of â€Å"great men† of history: Alexander of Macedon, and Gaius Julius Caesar. From these examples, it can be concluded that the â€Å"Great Man† Theory is seriously flawed: it oversimplifies by placing all responsibility in one person. When addressing whether a â€Å"Great Man† intended to do what he did, the theory is helpful in identifying important actors. After resolving disturbances and revolts within Macedonia and Greece, Alexander the Great thrust into Asia Minor in a campaign that would eventually level the Persian Empire. He pushed through Persia on to the frontiers of India, and his conquest was halted only by the grumbling of his own soldiers. Alexander’s vision of â€Å"one world† was one in which Greek colonies would be spread throughout the conquered lands and serve as cultural melting pots; however, it was not to be. His death left a power vacuum, and the â€Å"one world† was left divided. Yet, the eastward emigration that Alexander initiated left Greece as an internationally dominant nation. Alexander definitely intended to achieve his conquest. Even before assuming the throne, Alexander’s ambition and lust for conquest was legendary. As illustrated in The Life of Alexander by Plutarch, he once ridiculed his father for drunkenness and displayed h...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Types of Writing Classes

Types of Writing Classes There is no better way to become a better writer than to sign up for and take some basic writing classes.   These classes can be found all over the place, at local park districts or community colleges, to online clubs, or a local group that meets weekly at a cafe to discuss their work. I strongly believe that anyone who has any serious desires towards becoming a writer, or simply to improve their style and tone should be signed up for these classes and meeting with other writers.   They will critique your work and help you learn how to more effectively communicate your ideas in writing, which, of course, will help you grow as a writer and as a person. In my experience, the best classes are offered through colleges, though they are typically much more expensive there than anywhere else.   Try to find a community college where you can take some classes at a significant discount rather than a major state university or a private school.   In general, the classes will be significantly less money, and there will be fewer people in class, so you get more of a one-on-one with the teacher. Another option is to start, or to find a local group to meet with and discuss your writing with.   This is difficult for many people who aren’t sure where to look.   Indeed, these little clubs are a little hard to find, and many do not actively look for new members, so it is difficult to get into even if you can find one. The other option, which is often the best option for most people, is to enroll in an online writing class.   These classes are offered all over the place, often through colleges (again, expensive), but they do not require you to meet regularly or discuss in person, since everything is done through an online forum. Other times, there are types of writing classes which focus on giving you exercises and practice activities to engage your mind in writing on things that you normally wouldn’t consider writing about.   I personally think that these are more helpful to you than writing critique groups because they take you out of your element and force you to try something totally new.   This can help people who write only in one style by helping them realize new techniques that they can take from the new discipline and apply to their own. No matter what kind of class you decide on, make sure you take the time to go out and sign up for one right away.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Study of Human Speech and Language Term Paper

A Study of Human Speech and Language - Term Paper Example The development of language and speech starts as early as in infancy. Studies show that speech and language learning begin in the uterus with the infant’s recognition of its mother’s voice. Lieberman explains that anatomical changes and modifications in the human vocals for example the increase in length and the lower lying larynx compared to other animals is thought to play a crucial role in the development of human speech (2013). These improvements have been found to enable humans to produce a wide range of repertoire. However, changes in human genetic makeup have been shown to impact aspects related to neurologic system. Neurological aspects that control human motor control ability as well as those that lead to higher cognitive capabilities involved in speech development and language have been shown to be gene-determined. This research aims at investigating factors that influence development of speech and language in human beings to promote the conclusion that genes are responsible for human being’s speech and language development. The research questions are: The world is really being unlocked by advances in technology and is high end application in science. Voice, language, and speech are the tools used by humans to communicate with each other. Additionally, language is a significant and unique system that distinguishes humans from other animals and results to the development of race and heritage in normal child in terms of mother tongue inheritance (Dorothea, 2012). However, lack of sufficient technology and scientific knowledge has seen heated debates emerge over the development of science and language. Proponents have held strongly that human language depends on factors like adequate intelligence and environmental simulation (Mesoudi, Alan, McElligott, and David, 2011). Conversely, opponents held that human speech originated genetically. The result has been two perspectives of

Friday, October 18, 2019

Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Final - Essay Example Mothers have always been perceived as the ones responsible in the raising of children but as researches are conducted on children; their need for fathers stands out. Father involvement then is a goal that social welfare is trying to work on. Bunting and McAuley wrote in their article the results of their research that, fathers often point to financial problems as the reason for their little or non-involvement in child raising. Money is indeed an important matter to consider and even though modern families now accept mothers working and earning money for the family instead of fathers, the males often feel they are supposed to be the ones providing the needs of the family and not their spouses. Their research shows that there seems to be some misconceptions of some fathers about their responsibilities. In addition, these misconceptions are coupled by conflicts inside the family. Whether is a problem on communication with the wife or the wife’s parents, the problem poses as a bar rier that distances the father from his child. Bunting and McAuley focused on familial relationships that could be deterrent or beneficial to fatherhood. If the wife’s parents can sometimes get in between father and child relationships, the husband’s parent can do otherwise. The article mentions that â€Å"Miller’s review of the literature on adolescent fathers indicate that as with teenage mothers, paternal grandparents, in particular grandmothers, are an important source of support for young men. This information could be valuable to social workers who can encourage paternal grandparents’ involvement in child-rearing if they are able to. This will not only boost the father’s morale but will also give him the time to work and the chance to see more of his child/children. With the increase of young men fathering children without even having any idea about their responsibilities, guidance should be available from social workers. For this reason, so cial workers should be well-informed with similar information that will guide them on how to help the fathers. Huebner et al. on the other hand gave the result of their interviews and surveys about the reactions of fathers towards social services. From the results, it is shown that 8.3% of the 185 participants gave positive reactions while 48.3% were neutral or have given suggestions and 43,3% gave disappointed comments. This reflects that services for fathers either are not performing well, badly designed or are simply available or known to a few. Some fathers shared their grievances and it is indeed heartbreaking that even in such matters, the problem on prejudice still exists. As one father said, â€Å"The system is biased against fathers and favors mothers.† This is in response to his claim that â€Å"the worker never calls me directly nor tells me what is happening in the case.† Another says that he pays child support and therefore should have the chance to be a f ather. Knowing about these, it should be noted well by social workers to set aside perceiving fathers collectively as bad or unable to competently perform their duties to children like their mothers can. This writer agrees to the idea that mediators should be trained to work with the parents to resolve their differences and not make the situation worse, to guide them in focusing on the needs of

Cognitive Bias Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Cognitive Bias - Essay Example Daniel Kahneman asserts that cognitive bias in decision making process is the intuitive preferences that unswervingly violates the rules related to the rational decision (48). Therefore, a cognitive bias takes place when a psychological pattern changes a decision maker’s subjective view of a problem to differ from the reality. So as to understand how this works, John Butler elucidates how the mental life of a decision maker can be described as two agents (39). The agents include system one and system two. In system one, automatic operations take place that is working quickly by applying a little effort and is not enthusiastic to take control of the thoughts. However, system two is able to construct the necessary thoughts and take the necessary thoughts, for instance doing complex computations and reasoning. Notably, more effortful mental activity occurs in system two. The activities in system two are connected to the subjective experience of choice, connections and agency (Ser fas 71). Anchoring refers to the biased judgment of a stimuli that is based on an incentive assessment of another stimulus and an inadequate alteration away from the initial assessment (Kahneman 52). In other words, this means that a previous presented value affects decision makers when they are about to estimate an unidentified quantity, which is closer to the value considered before the estimate. A good example of the anchoring effect in decision-making is how a decision-maker is influenced by price when buying goods from different suppliers. A higher price will influence the decision maker to value the goods higher than what he/she would have done if the price of the goods is lower. Daniel Kahneman claims that any number a decision maker is asked to consider as a possible solution to an estimation problem will predominantly induce an anchoring effect (50). Any numerical judgment that is under

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Bottled Water challenge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Bottled Water challenge - Essay Example Compared to the traditional tap water, the cost of bottled water has remained relatively high and this has affected its acceptance in different parts of the society. The high cost of bottled water has been significantly felt by members of the low social class in the society whose income cannot enable them to use this category of water. Producers of bottled water have been accused of being at the forefront of environmental pollution and the entire supply chain of this commodity has been involved. First, bottled waters are packed in plastic bottles that are produced from polyethylene terephthalate polymer (Yaqub, Hamid, Haseeb, Akhtar & Akram, 2014). This toxic chemical is derived from the end phase of petroleum refining and has massive implications to the environment. In order to sustain the demand for bottled water, the plastic packaging bottles must be produced in enough quantities. This involves the involvement of big petrochemical companies such as ExxonMobil and BP whose activities have affected the environment is significant ways (Huerta-Saenz, Irigoyen, Benavides & Mendoza, 2012). Apart from the raw materials, the process of producing the bottles also require large amount of energy according to reports from the pacific institute. To package over 31 billion litres of bottled water demanded in the United States per year, a total of 17 million barrels of oil will be used and this will increase the level of greenhouse gas emission to the atmosphere. As compared to tap water that is transported through pipes sank underground, the transportation of bottled water require heavy vehicles, container ships and trucks. These not only consume significant volume of oil but also release gallons of exhaust gases into the atmosphere. Bottled water that is transported to other continents therefore affects the aquatic ecosystem and leads to an increase in marine deaths due to increase in pollution. Plastic bottles are non-biodegradable and thus affect the

Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 8

Globalization - Essay Example This essay is a critique of the major driver towards globalization. It offers an explanation of how information and communication technology has contributed greatly to globalization above all the other factors, and how the contemporary society is so much focused towards moving beyond personal and national boundaries to create a link between them and other communities internationally. It mainly focuses on the technological, economic and political drivers towards globalization. The major economic factor that has contributed to globalization is technological advancement. Development in information and communication technology has to a great extent contributed to the integration of communities sharing of information as well as business world wide. For example, the use of internet enables people from all over the world to conduct business and share ideas without meeting. Social interactions through the internet have further contributed to globalization since people can share information cheaply and debate over issues regarding trade (Nye 2002). Dealing through information technology systems is one of the economic segments that have responded positively to advancement in trade. Innovation in communication technology has facilitated economic advancement especially due to the enhancement of the capability of companies to employ labor force from beyond political boundaries. It has led to division of labor globally through the establishment of multinational compan ies (Giddens 2006). They can advertise employment opportunities through the internet, and they can be able to reach people all over the world. Business is also leading people to move global in order to utilize the opportunities in the global market to sell their products. Many of the less developed nations have realized that technological advancement can not be separated from

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Bottled Water challenge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Bottled Water challenge - Essay Example Compared to the traditional tap water, the cost of bottled water has remained relatively high and this has affected its acceptance in different parts of the society. The high cost of bottled water has been significantly felt by members of the low social class in the society whose income cannot enable them to use this category of water. Producers of bottled water have been accused of being at the forefront of environmental pollution and the entire supply chain of this commodity has been involved. First, bottled waters are packed in plastic bottles that are produced from polyethylene terephthalate polymer (Yaqub, Hamid, Haseeb, Akhtar & Akram, 2014). This toxic chemical is derived from the end phase of petroleum refining and has massive implications to the environment. In order to sustain the demand for bottled water, the plastic packaging bottles must be produced in enough quantities. This involves the involvement of big petrochemical companies such as ExxonMobil and BP whose activities have affected the environment is significant ways (Huerta-Saenz, Irigoyen, Benavides & Mendoza, 2012). Apart from the raw materials, the process of producing the bottles also require large amount of energy according to reports from the pacific institute. To package over 31 billion litres of bottled water demanded in the United States per year, a total of 17 million barrels of oil will be used and this will increase the level of greenhouse gas emission to the atmosphere. As compared to tap water that is transported through pipes sank underground, the transportation of bottled water require heavy vehicles, container ships and trucks. These not only consume significant volume of oil but also release gallons of exhaust gases into the atmosphere. Bottled water that is transported to other continents therefore affects the aquatic ecosystem and leads to an increase in marine deaths due to increase in pollution. Plastic bottles are non-biodegradable and thus affect the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Competitive Advantage through people Research Paper

Competitive Advantage through people - Research Paper Example 21). However, the company does not only boast a highly competitive pricing strategy, but also a premium people management approach that provided the company enduring success. Southwest’s most powerful organizational competency—the ‘secret ingredient’ that makes it so distinctive—is its ability to build and sustained high performance relationships among managers, employees, unions, and suppliers. These relationships are characterized by shared goals, shared knowledge, and mutual respect (Gittell, 2005, 52). To operate, airlines require physical resources, such as airplanes, airstrip, pilots, cabin crew, etc. These physical resources can be accessed by numerous companies in the marketplace; hence it is hard to develop them as a sustainable competitive advantage. Even availability of unprocessed or capital resources, before a great entry barrier, is more attainable due to the growth of international markets (Lovelock & Wright, 2002). However, it is the intangible assets that sustainable competitive advantage rests. Accrued experience or knowledge throughout the years, or referred to as corporate culture, is very hard to imitate (Parker, 2007). Companies like Apple, Coca-Cola, and General Electric rise from a venture of time and effort. These are springs of competitive advantage. The task is to determine the factors that strengthen this competitive advantage and the way toward sustainability (Parker, 2007). In fact, it is not the resources, regardless of how inimitable or intangible they are, that best generate competitive advantage; the solution toward sustainable competitive advantage is the way these resources are used (Gittell, 2005). Simply, the failure or success of a company relies on how the people within it utilize these resources. Basically, the competitive advantage of a company is its people. The quality of management, the manner in which

Monday, October 14, 2019

Social Inequality Within a Society Essay Example for Free

Social Inequality Within a Society Essay Throughout history, social classification has been a basis of economic and social stability. Social classification was introduced to even the predecessors of human civilization, the Mesopotamian civilization. But, due to natural flaws within the structure of the social classification system, this system concluded in becoming biased towards the upper class and unrighteous toward the lower class. Because social classification consistently had flaws which made the system more prejudiced to the lower class, throughout historical times, social classification primarily affected a society in a negative manner. Provided the idea of social inequality through the means of social classification, numerous ancient civilizations including the civilization of Athens, practiced a rigid social classing structure. In the ancient civilization of Athens, the social classing structure was extremely rigid. The upper class of Athens citizens was permitted only to pure blooded male Athenians who were born into their class. The social structure in Athens was very misogynistic toward females. Women were considered vile and loathsome. They were often treated as outcasts and even slaves. According to Bridges, â€Å"Women were rarely seen outside the home and had no rights in the Athenian democracy. † Due to the rigid social class structure of Athens, women were denied all rights. Even though the principles of democracy state that everyone be treated equally under the rule of law, because of the social class structure of Athens, women were completely denied any rights in a democracy. This form of class structure did not only prevail in European civilizations. But, this rigid classification system also prevailed in Middle Eastern and Indian civilizations as well. Indus River Valley civilization practiced an inexorable and rigid form of social classification. One had to inherit their social class by being born into the class. Mobility between classes was impossible. According to Kogl And Moore, â€Å"People were born into social classes that could not be changed. There were 4 Social classes, which were Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishiyas, and Shudras. † Due to the immobile class structure of Indus valley civilization, the citizens were locked in a single class forever. There were four classes which were practiced in Indus Valley Civilization. The Shudras class was considered the lowest class and this class primarily consisted of peasants and serfs. The Shudras were treated as feculence and were also denied natural rights and justice such as freedom to liberty and property. Due to the rigid social class structure in civilizations such as Athens and the Indus River Valley, many classes were predilected upon while the other classes were denied of their social and natural rights. In addition to the historical examples of social inequality and class struggle, many novels also base the idea of social inequality as their major theme. One of such novels is To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Since To Kill A Mockingbird was written in 1954, this novel circulates around the idea of social inequality due to racism. Since Africans were viewed as slaves in the 1950s, these foreigners were denied many of the basic rights which were guaranteed to the Caucasians by the Constitution. In this novel, the central conflict revolves around the Tom Robinson case. Tom Robinson is falsely accused of raping white woman, Mayella Ewell. When Dr. Atticus Finch, the protagonist’s father accepts to continue the case on behalf of Tom, he is severely criticized and dishonored to the point where the people of Maycomb agree severely injure Dr. Atticus Finch. According to a character named Bob Ewell in the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, ‘â€Å" Too proud to fight, you nigger-lovin bastard? †Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Lee 118). The discrimination due to social class is still prevalent during the time Lee wrote this novel. The major antagonist, Bob Ewell uses the above quotation while trying to murder Dr. Atticus Finch. Bob Ewell is extremely enraged because Dr. Atticus Finch fought against his sister, Mayella just to protect a â€Å"nigger. † This novel conveys a meaning of class struggle and its relative consequences. Because Atticus accepted to protect an innocent African – American man, he upset the entire Maycomb town and almost got assassinated. Multiple classic novels such as To Kill A Mockingbird, transmit an idea of social inequality, and class struggle to overcome the social inequality. They also communicate relative consequences for class struggle. One such novel which conveys a meaning of social inequality and a rigid class structure is the novel, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. In this novel, citizens are predestined to be in one class while in their embryonic stage. While the Alpha embryos are conditioned to excel in academics, the Epsilon embryos are poisoned with alcohol in order to diminish all forms of independent thought processes from their brains. Though the citizens of the Brave New World are in a constant state of confinement, they are educated to become and stay appeased with their servitude. Even though the lower classes in this novel are content with their position, this does not excuse the fact that the lower classes were conditioned to become satisfied with their servitude and that their free will was completely ignored. According to the character named Mustafa Mond in the novel, Brave New World, ‘â€Å"Liberty to be inefficient and miserable. Freedom to be a round peg in a square hole†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Huxley 138). Liberty was considered by the world controllers to be dissatisfying and depressing. Liberty, in the eyes of the world controllers, was unrelated to science and could potentially cause chaos. The world controller, Mustafa Mond is ridiculing the idea of gaining content and satisfaction through the means of liberty. He also uses a metaphor of freedom being a round peg in a square hole, which was happiness and content. He describes through the metaphor that freedom and happiness are completely unrelated and in order to gain happiness, one must sacrifice his freedom. Not only is the ideology of rigid classing structure used in historical times, but this ideology is also used as one of the major themes in novels such as To Kill A Mockingbird and Brave New World in order to persuade the reader about negative effects of social classing structure on humans. Although social classing primarily affected a society in a negative manner, there have been multiple occasions where social class system has affected a society in a positive manner. One of the positive aspects of social classing system is that the classing system eliminates uneducated classes such as the lowest classes of serfs and peasants from making decisions which are grave enough to impact an entire society. Any society would profit from decisions made by educated and wealthy upper classes, rather than uneducated decisions made by an uneducated and poor class. Because the lower classes receive bare minimum to absolutely no education at all, they are likely to make a decision that would be detrimental to the entire society and also to their own class. According to Girard, â€Å"Those who possess a lower socioeconomic status, should not be allowed to make decisions impacting a group. † Due to the lower socioeconomic status of a class of people, they were not properly exposed to in-depth education in order to make educated decisions for their group. This would mean that if there are extremely educated and wealthy classes to make educated decisions for a society, there is no reason to jeopardize the prosperity of a nation by letting lower socioeconomic classes vote. Even though there have been rare circumstances where social classing is proved beneficial, social classing primarily affects any society in a negative manner. In ancient Meso America, several tribes including the Aztecs, have used a rigid and inescapable class structure in order to not only maintain social control, but to also maintain a strong belief in their gods. The aztecs lived their lives in belief that the ancient war God, Huitzilopochtli fought off the vile and inhuman demons in order to make the sun rise again. The Aztecs also believed that God Huitzilopochtli grew extremely feeble and defenseless by battling the darkness and that he required ample amounts of human blood in order to replenish his strength. So, while the upper class of nobles ruled the tribe, they used the commoners as a source of nourishment for the war god. According to Pfeil, â€Å"Huitzilopochtli is first in rank, no one is like unto him. Not vainly do I sing coming forth in the garb of our ancestors, I shine; I glitter. † This ancient Aztec hymm was sung by every victim before he or she was cruelly massacred and had his or her heart gouged out. The Aztecs would sacrifice any commoners including women, children, disaled and the elderly. The social classing structure in tribes such as the Aztecs, was not only injust, but the classing system was also inhumane and deadly. This religious practice was one of the major detriments for the downfall of the Aztecs. Eventhough there have been extremely rare occasions where a society has benefitted from a social class, primarily the social classing structure have always been a negative aspect of a society. The idea of social classing is still prevalent within the modern society. Many countries practice different social classing systems such as Marxism. Marxism is the ideology that the upper class of the society is appropriated a surplus of social product. This simply means that by inheriting or transferring to an upper class, one receives multiple socio-economic benefits. These benefits include unpaid surplus labor. This type of social classification also manifests itself to the society as a negative aspect of social classification. According to Werner, â€Å"This deduction theory of the income of the lower class is thus a factor of debate. † Due to the upper class receiving the surplus amount of socio-economic product, Marxism has caused many riots in countries. But, due to the socio-economic stability, many countries still continue to utilize it. Regardless, this modern form of social classification impacts the society negatively. In finalization to the ideology and structure of the rigid social classification system, the idea is very obvious that the social classification system impacts any society in a negative manner. Numerous ancient civilizations including the civilization of Athens and the Indus River Valley civilization practiced a rigid social classing structure. In addition to the historical examples of social inequality and class struggle, many novels such as Brave New World and To Kill A Mockingbird, also base the idea of social inequality as their major theme. Throughout historical times, Social classification primarily affected a society in a negative manner.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Dworkins Theory Of Law As Integrity

Dworkins Theory Of Law As Integrity Integrity in law essentially is a theory about the interpretation of the law. Dworkin proposed a view that the interpretation in the law should be guided by the concept of integrity. He believes that the basic issue of the Philosophy of Right is not a semantic one, but one that what is the best interpretation for legal practice. Because the proper goal of Philosophy of Right is to develop a way for the law to be the best explanation of the law; it is also because the behavior of judgment does not determine what the law is, but deciding on specific cases, this is also an explanatory practice. In Dworkins theory of legal interpretation, the law is an interpretational notion that the judge hearing the case is the process of interpreting the law. Nevertheless, what is the law? Law not only refers to the rules of the legal system, but also contains principles and policies, both of which are the basis for legal interpretation by the court or judge. In Dworkins argument, the judge appears to be beyond the rule of law, it seems that the judge is create law by interpretation, however, his legal view is law as integrity, that is to say, in addition to rules of the law, the principles and policies are hidden behind the rules. So the judgment and interpretation of the judge are still the application of integral law, not create law. Due to the existence of law as integrity; there is the only correct answer even in the hardest cases but not for legal loophole issue in his eyes. Integrity of the law can achieve protect without loopholes for disputes even if defects of language expressing, major changes in society, or lack of coordination of the law. II How to interpreting law as integrity? Dworkin believes that law is an interpretive concept. There are different methods of interpretation to this concept. Law as integrity is one. This interpretation admits that the law not only refers to specific legal rules, but also concludes a set of principle system which can prove the reasonableness of the law. These principles derived from an integral social that makes the law an organized whole. The participants of legal practice (including judges and lawyers) were interpreting the law constructively under the guidance of this principle to providing a theory that is best for current, past and future legal practice. Then give the significance of integrity to the legal practice, based on the understanding of the law, therefore applying the law to specific cases and acquire the right answers to the specific cases. Dworkin considers the internal point of view as that, the integrity of the legal interpretation is compliance with experience of law practice participants (including judges and lawyers), particularly must be appropriate for the hard cases that dont provide the right answers. With different popular views, Dworkin believes that when people argue what is the law there are no other motives to posture to hide their own desires; and not disputed at the edge of the ambiguous words as meaningless. It is misunderstanding of legal practice regardless of seeing them as a liar or fool. Interpretation as a constructive approach, law as integrity can overcome the defects of other two competitive interpretations which are conventionalism and pragmatism. Conventionalist strictly follow the past conventions and cant deal with hard cases that have no rules to apply- the judge does not sentence so that violated judges duties to create new law that may contradict with the belief of deciding cases according to the law. The law as integrity requires that the judge can develop the law through constructive interpretation under the law, thus it will combine the demand of stability and adaptability of the law. Dworkin successfully directed with the aid of the concept of integrity that: Legal pragmatism cant explain why people do not want to accept inconsistent treatment of solutions mean that the internal compromise  [1]  , while the law as integrity can be explained. In summary, the common ground of the two interpretation models: conventionalism and pragmatism is that they all stand there and have no law in front of hard cases; the judge can beyond the law when he has more than one choice however the litigant can only pray. Regardless of both conventionalism and pragmatism cant accept the judge was unlimited, but there is one possibility actually, namely judge may throw the coin to decide how to judge. The law as integrity is firmly opposed to this kind of attitude, it stands that even if the book recorded legal rules and instructions is silent, the sound of the law still existed, but is low with difficulty hears  [2]  . III What is law as integrity? At first, it is a third independent virtue or political idea that differs from the justice and fairness. It is common that contradiction between ideals in politics, integrity sometimes requires compromise with the other ideals. It can be found that the two virtues of justice and fairness sometimes against each other and we often have to choose one of them in order to decide which political agenda to support if we deny the integrity and make political activities relying on justice, fairness and due process of law. For example, it is believed that the rule decided by majority is the fairest possible decision-making process, but most people often make decision that is not justified to individual rights. Hence, These difficult questions arise because fairness and justice sometimes conflict. If we believe that integrity is a third and independent ideal, at least when people disagree about one of the first two, then we may well think that fairness or justice must sometimes be sacrificed to integrity.  [3]  , so various reasons, both practical and expressive, a community might have for accepting integrity as a political virtue  [4]  . Integrity as a virtue is required by the inevitable real world. In an ideal society, all citizens have equal respect, the restrictions and limitations by integrity are not needed; thus, it can be said that integrity can only relate to the second best justice, we do not live in an ideal world. Therefore, it needs the protection in system in order to determine what justice it is. Dworkin also said that: we accept integrity as a political ideal because we want to treat our political community as one of principle, and the citizens of a community as one of principle, and the citizens of a community of principle aim not simply at common principles, as if uniformity were all they wanted, but the best common principles politics can find. Integrity is distinct from justice and fairness, but it is bound to them in that way: integrity makes no sense except among people who want fairness and justice as well.  [5]  Obviously, Dworkin emphasized on the integrity relating to justice and fairness. Secondly, the integrity is a matter of principle. It is both legislative and judicial. As legislative principles, it tells legislators that the simple exchange of justice and fairness is wrong; restricting legislators what may be appropriate to expand or change the public standards. Dworkin said that Integrity is about principle and does not require any simple form of consistency in policy. The legislative principle of integrity demands that the legislature strive to protect for everyone what it takes to be their moral and political rights, so that public standards express a coherent scheme of justice and fairness.  [6]  As judicial principle, it tells the judges and lawyers to make their decision and arguments consistent with the existing legal system; or requires our judges, so far as this is possible, to treat our present system of public standards as expressing and respecting a coherent set of principles  [7]  . Dworkin is undoubtedly paying more attention to the integrit y of judicial principles to which the related idea is an important part of Dworkins Philosophy of Right. Integrity as a judicial principle means restriction and guidance to judges interpreting the law. In order to ensure consistency, Dworkin regards the judge as the author of the chain novel, the goal of many coauthor chain novels is that making it unfold logically for the characters and plot decided at beginning. The opus is like completed by one author. Each novelist aims to make a single novel of the material he has been given, what he adds to it, and (so far as he can control this) what his successors will want or be able to add. He must try to make this the best novel it can be construed as the work of a single author than, as is the fact, the product of many different hands. This calls for an overall judgment on his part, or a series of overall judgments as he writes and rewrites.  [8]  However the interpretation of each author may be diverse, but it is influenced by two factors. One is suit, in other words, his work should consistent with the work before; another is judgment, that is to say, he must judge which kind of interpretation is able to interpret the work best if many interpretations were consistent with the work before. The chain novels author creates a work like one person because of the two limits above. The judge should use the thought method such as chain novel when they understand and apply the law. He should consider the past decisions as a part of a novel to which he must interpret and continue; making judgment as accurate as possible based on integrity and the theoretical knowledge and values. When considers integrity, Dworkin also clears that how to deal with historical issues, which is one of the requirement about consistency. He said: Integrity does not require consistency in principle over all historical stages of a communitys law; it does not require that judges try to understand the law they enforce as continuous in principle with the abandoned law of a previous century or even a previous generation.  [9]  History is important in that the scheme of principle must provide reasonable reasons for past standing and contents of judgments; history is important for the law as integrity, but is only important in some respects. On the contrary, the integrity insists that: a horizontal rather than vertical consistency of principle across the range of the legal standards the community now enforces. It insists that the law- the rights and duties that flow from past collective decisions and for that reason license or require coercion- contains not only the narrow explicit con tent of these decisions but also, more broadly, the scheme of principles necessary to justify them.  [10]   In case Riggs v. Palmer  [11]  , it fully reflects the importance of the principle of legal integrity. Such as the judge comments that it should not interpret law in isolated historical background, but should be based on the general principles of law. Judges should make the interpretation of the law to consist with the general principles of law as far as possible when interpreting laws. It will be ridiculous that the murder becomes the successor is allowed. Law must respect a basic principle that a person cannot benefit from his fault. If the judge applies the law rigidly and decides the murder Palmer won the right of inheritance of his grandfather, so that they are violating the principles of justice and fairness contained by law. It indicates that the interpretation by the judge to law deeply manifests the judges legal awareness and his political and moral attitudes. Dworkin concludes that the opinion to any judge is a philosophy of law, even if his philosophy was hidden and no t disclosed, even if obvious inference is full of provisions and facts.  [12]  Jurisprudence is the general part of the trail and the silent preamble of any legal judgments. Laws empire is defined by attitude, not territory or power or process.  [13]   Therefore, Dworkin always stressed that the standard hidden behind the provisions when he rebuilding the law. In his view, the provisions of the law are always general and abstract in judicial practice, and cannot be concluded in every circumstance. This requires the judge to find the content behind the rules in the process of law interpreting; the hidden law may be abstract, some self-evident facts or some conclusions resulted from reasonable inference. Only find these hidden laws, the judge can clearly distinguish similar cases from non-similar cases to achieve the requirement of treat equally without discrimination. It can be seen that the legal interpretation in the eyes of Dworkin is actually an objectively rebuild of the law, the law is not just composed of a bunch of rules, it is a closed and perfect system, interpretation is only a rebuild to the question of this system. Dworkins theory of legal interpretation is full of idealism, however the realization of this ideal is based on certainty and provision of the law and capable judges, the judge cannot be arbitrary when they interpret the law. On the contrary, they are interpreting law constructively under the current scheme and scope of the whole law. In other words, his purpose is to make the interpretation become the best based on both current legal material and scheme. IV Misunderstanding to law as integrity After Law as integrity published on which the criticism has not been stopped. Law as integrity becomes the essential target criticized by the repudiator, but the majority of repudiators do not understand law as integrity correctly, how could they criticize this goal? Forbid judge create the law Dworkin indeed stressed that even if processing the case the law has not proved obvious answer to it, the judge should also resort to the law, confirming and carry out the rights stipulated by law, but should not resort to the factor outside the law, otherwise it constitutes a threat to the civil right. However, it is not equal to deny any creativity of the judge; it only denies the creativity of the judge without limit. The legal integrity interpretation is a constructive one. The elucidator is not a mechanical and passive main body. All interpretation is the process that seeks for significance. Looking from the external viewpoint, all significances are the elucidator endow with the object; that is why Dworkin talked about constructive interpretation, saying that: constructive interpretation is a matter of imposing purpose on an object or practice in order to make of it the best possible example of the form or genre to which it is taken to belong.  [14]   However, by looking at the intrinsic viewpoint, if participant describes the psychological activity when he is interpreting, it will be more accurate than the creation. As interpretation that cannot be understood randomly. The legal interpretation will always be limited by application goal (universal legal rule to apply in specific case) and tradition. These limits in fact are the prerequisite that the interpretation can be possible. Dworkin uses chain novel analogies to the restraint the judge receives in the judicial process. Different authors will make different decisions, but, his decision doesnt contain appropriate summary whether and how the content will be separated from the provided novel he is writing. The same with the author of chain novel, the judge also receives the restraint of the law. This is why Dworkin firmly believed that even if in hard cases, the goal of decision process is to find but not to create the right for both sides. The fact is that in his intrinsic viewpoint Dworkin described the judge is finding but not creating the law; however the critic listened that judge should find but not create the law. Actually none of the judge was separated the whole law values when he was judging the case. As it has discussed, Dworkins understanding of the judge is to find law but not to create law is not impractical. The best (no loophole) legal system The best legal system is inferred by the first opinion that is forbidding the judge to create the law, if the first understanding is wrong, this point is impossibly accurate. Regarding to law as integrity, actually the existence of the best legal system is simply not the essential premise. Dworkin indeed has written that All interpretation strives to make an object the best it can be,  [15]  and the judge must think of the past decision as part of a long story he must interpret and then continue, according to his own judgment of how to make the developing story as good as it can be.  [16]  But this only mentioned that the elucidator received the restraint in the interpretation process, the interpretation itself had some intrinsic or subjective requirements, simultaneously was really existed. This does not mean that this kind of interpretation requires its interpretation object be perfect. If this existing interpretation object is not perfect, for example, it is so chaotic that it cannot find any reasonable interpretation, and then the elucidator has to acknowledge his defeat and admit this as an impossible mission. But this was not the theory question, but the fact that understanding question, or is the realistic feasible question of method. Replying such question does not need to argue too much, it has a very simple answer: practice. It is important that one method will possibly be defeated, but it doesnt prove that this method cannot certainly succeed. The law has the integrity significance after the interpretation of the participant, it may be perfect in the eyes of the elucidator, and it is undoubtedly closed and changeless. It is just the reverse that constructive interpretation is a process reconsidering and readjusting continually. Dworkin divided the interpretation into three stages: preinterpretive, interpretive and postinterpretive or reforming stages.  [17]  According to the theory of Hermeneutics of philosophy, the interpretation process is not the unitary process, but the continually circulating process. Specifically, determining the scope of interpretation object needs to be taken at a certain degree, in order to distinguish the specific phenomenon from others that do not care about. Based on the finding in interpretive or postinterpretive stages, perhaps the elucidator will find that the scope or reason preceding stage definite will be inappropriate, there are some factors that dont need to consider originally, pos sibly these new factors in turn prove the reason of interpretive stage or conclusion of postinterpretive stage not to be inappropriate. Therefore, the elucidator must make the adjustment, and the interpretation will keep going after the scope and reason were adjusted. In this process, it has no invaluable thing; the adjustment takes place from the beginning to an end, keeping a procedure that gets rid of old thing and join new thing. When Dworkin emphasis law works itself pure  [18]  , it is precisely referred to the law that is developing unceasingly through the participant interpreting the law. The only right answer Dworkins theory supposed that the legal matter usually has the only right answer. But law as integrity is a method of legal interpretation; it does not guarantee to obtain any definite result. Hercules can always find the only right answer, but he is only an imaginary ideal character, the judge in reality is impossible to be as perfect as him. Therefore the actual result, which Dworkin acknowledged is that different judges may choose different results when they adopt the integrity law, he also admitted that none of the interpretation can pass examination, or it had two or more different interpretation passed the examination. But you cannot know in advance that you will reach that skeptical result. You must try first.  [19]  So, the law as integrity requires the judge be with a good attitude more than a good actual result, in other words, the judge should believe that there is an only right answer for him to seek for. Certainly, as a subjective judgment, the only right answer has the obvious weakness: lacking the external evaluation method and standard. While making a decision, does the judge believe that his choice is the best or does he randomly pick one from several options? This cannot be judged from an external standpoint. Therefore, this requirement of certitude extent is hard to become the requirement of institutionalization. However, such criticism is derived from external viewpoints, and it cannot deny the excellent significance to the participant. The tie of various answers pass the examination is hardly happened, if it does not suppose that the hard case has the right answer, it cannot start seeking the right answer; if it does not suppose the right answer, it will stop the premature to find the only right answer, leading to a stop which is too early so that the only solution, originally accessible, cannot be reached now. At last, it is also the most important Dworkin thought, this hypothesis is the essential part of the principle system based on Rights Thesis, and it is also the premise of judicial activities legalization: if the judge does not have the duty to make the right decision, what can endow to this decision with legal constraint. The questions about right and prove Dworkin said: we can have reason to think an answer right is different from the question whether it can be demonstrated to be tight.  [20]  This doesnt indicate that Dworkin did not provide the reason to his interpretation. If proof means that a thundering knock-down metaphysical demonstration, the reason is not the proof, this is decided by participants view and integrity interpretation method. The interpretation is based on participants view, this decides that it has no neutral standpoint; constructive interpretation imposes the significance to the object, it decides the interpretation result but does not have the objectivity. According to the viewpoint of law as integrity, propositions of law are true of they figure in or follow from the principles of justice, fairness, and procedural due process that provide the best constructive interpretation of the communitys legal practice.  [21]  This truth does not have the objectivity that resorts to the neutral third party rules, so it is controversial. However, this truth is different from individual preference. The law disputes do not have right answer such as moral and politic disputes. Because the law disputes of the participant also follow requirement of the rationality, discussing intrinsic view that is possible and meaningful. When Dworkin announced the dislike to checkerboard statutes, he asked what can explain this dislike, his answer is the integrity works.  [22]  This means to the intrinsic participant that the integrity is not a fantasy but power really exists. On the other hand, the integrity is an ideal that the requirement is not always satisfied. But this reality does not show that the integrity loses its significance, it can play a role of criticizing, and that is to say, it can evaluate the situation that is not satisfied as defect based on the requirement of integrity. This is precisely the people who participate in legal practice frequently do. It is the same to the only right answer and Hercules in the theory of law as integrity. This is consistent with what Dworkins argues: No doubt real judges decide most cases in a much less methodical way. But Hercules shows us the hidden structure of their judgments and so lays these open to study and criticism.  [23]   After all, the method of interpretation is different from scientific method. The significance cannot be proved through scientific methods. There is an easy misunderstanding that put the best (no loophole) legal system to the premise of forbid judge create the law. V Conclusion Different people with different purposes looking at the interpretation will get different views. Someone argued that the legal phenomenon is chaotic, contradictory and meaningless. But Dworkin did not stop arguing, he gave the law with some significance such as integrity. Law as integrity is standing in the position of the participant to interpreting the law in intrinsic viewpoint. It is important that it only can find some limits from the external viewpoint. However, there is one thing that should not forget, two different perspectives cannot replace with each other, and it should not require that finding the external thing by using intrinsic viewpoint. Even the critics should not use their own opinions to misrepresent the theory based on different views.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essay --

Introduction: Renewable energy is one of energy resources that generate from natural resources and always regenerate and never run out. Around 16% of global energy used in the world come from the renewable energies. Many of renewable energies projects arise in rural and remote areas to contribute in developed these areas. History: The story of renewable energy back to old ages , actually any new energy found it become alternative to the last one was used . for instance ,when oil discover it’s became alternative to the coal, which people was use it for cooking and heating .then in 19th petroleum became an substitutional to the oil to generate electricity. Currently we defined the renewable energy as the energy comes from natural resources and never run out . Types of renewable energy: 1) Solar Energy: Solar energy depends on the energy comes from solar radiation that utilized for produce electricity or heating. The electricity generates by either photovoltaic or heat engines. There are two types of solar technologies. The first is passive solar techniques which use phot...

Friday, October 11, 2019

About BRU coffee Essay

BRU coffee is a part of Hindustan Lever and it is India’s largest and favourite coffee brand that offers a range of Indian and international coffee products. Since 1968, BRU has repetitively strived to bring varied types of authentic coffee with premium tastes to Indian consumers. After directing numerous coffee trials with coffee samples, they personally select the best coffee beans and freshly roast them to serve consumer a great cup of rich aromatic coffee, whether it’s coffee at home or at BRU World Cafà ©. It was launched in the year 1968 under the brand of â€Å"Brook Bond†. After its introduction as an instant coffee they came up with different varieties such as BRU Cappuccino, BRU Lite, BRU Cold Coffee, BRU Gold, BRU Roast and Ground etc. BRU has created and distributed a display of unique high-quality coffee blends since 1968. It is an astounding 800crore instant coffee segment in India. From instant and conventional coffees to a multiplicity of premixes, the rich aroma and exotic flavours of BRU coffees have made it India’s number one coffee brand. BRU’s market share as up to end of 2011 was 50.2% against Nescafe’s 49.2%. BRU-ad with love and merged with passion to make a perfect coffee recipe, BRU Coffee lets you discover the lovely moments of your life, with a flavour of happiness. AGGRESSIVE SUCCESS ACHIEVED IN SAME SEGMENT: 1) REVOLUTION IN NEW PRODUCT: BRU was known as master brand in serving coffee as they were able to give new aids to customers at every point on a regular basis. There one of the successful new product was the cappuccino packs. The new flavour was able to generate new thrust in the market and that help them to lead out the product in the market. The new flavours even encouraged hard-core tea lovers to try out these flavours and change their preferences towards the coffee. The best part was that these cappuccino was available in single serve sachets which provoked consumers to test the flavours. Another added innovation by BRU was when they launched the cold coffee variants into the market which again apprehended the attention of the consumers in high volume. Now, these thrusts in new product development roll out in an implicit way when customers accepted and started liking it. This was concluded when people roll out in malls and stores, they find that coffee section is full of  various flavours and packs of BRU which itself creates a positive vibration for the brand. 2) REVOLUTION IN PACKGING: Innovation in packaging was another critical factor that aided BRU’s success. The brand made the entry barrier low by launching small affordable SKUs. There are single serve and large packs at different price points making the brand affordable .The brand although is positioned as an aspirational brand is priced affordable thus making it a perfect example of a Masstige brand.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Factors affecting women working in the pharmaceutical sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Introduction Thanks to its considerable oil resources, Saudi Arabia has evolved from a relatively poor country to become the world’s dominant oil producer and one of the wealthiest regions in the Middle East. There is international pressure on the rulers to embrace political and social reforms, including enhancing the participation of women within the national workforce. Research Background Interesting findings about working women in adjacent Jordan have been generated by the country’s National Centre for Human Resource Development, which has carried out research into the experience of women workers in the private sector, namely in the Communications, Internet and Pharmaceuticals industries. This research was prompted because of recognition that â€Å"women’s participation in the Jordanian labour market is growing and the fact that women’s participation is often hindered by social perceptions, practices and sometimes legislation† (Peebles, Darwazeh, Ghosheh and Sabbah, 2007). Given the size and scale of Jordan (population approximately 6.5 million) compared with Saudi Arabia (population approximately 27.1 million), it seems likely that some of these hindrances will also apply to Saudi Arabia. The pharmaceuticals industry in Saudi Arabia is the richest in the Gulf region[1] and among the largest of all those in the Middle East: â€Å"Saudi Arabia represents 65%, or $1.7 billion of the pharmaceutical market in the member countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)[2], which is currently valued at $2.7 billion per year[3]† (Issa, Al-Ammar and Mostafa, 2009). Proposal The research proposal is to examine the factors affecting women working in the pharmaceuticals industry, with particular reference to perceived advantages and barriers. It is anticipated that the issues arising will include those touching on human rights, equal opportunities and discrimination; religion and education; legislation, including family law; cultural norms; and also resistance to radical change within the community of Saudi Arabian females. Academic Literature Academic treatises on women in Muslim cultures include a synopsis of literature reviews produced by the Library of Congress (Offenhauer, 2005), which includes chapters on women’s roles in the productive economy as well as in the domestic setting. Maryland University’s Professor in the Department of Business and Executive Programs, Dr. Dorothy Minkus-McKenna, researched entrepreneurship among Saudi Arabian women albeit on an exploratory basis and without the benefit of statistical data, and noted the different ways in which ‘success’ is measured and valued. This provides useful background information about women’s perceptions of their role in the workplace. In a further look at entrepreneurship, another study (Sadi and Al-Ghazali, 2009) sought to establish what motivated women entrepreneurs and pinpointed barriers as being a lack of co-ordination and governmental support; limited competition due to market domination; a dearth of market studies; poor support from the internal community and the general restrictions imposed by society. Whilst limited, the available literature serves to confirm that women in Saudi Arabia struggle to establish themselves in the workplace on an equal footing with men. Overall Aim and Objectives The aim of the research is to identify the key factors that act as obstacles to women working in the pharmaceuticals sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). To achieve this, the focus of the research will be on the pharmaceuticals company, Saudi Pharmaceutical Industries[4], one of the largest research-driven companies producing veterinary, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals products in KSA. The objectives of the research will be to establish: Whether societal and cultural norms in KSA act against women making progress in the workplace. Whether the impact of legislation relating to the workplace has an adverse affect on women. Whether childcare responsibilities interfere with women’s progress in their working lives. Whether financial pressures, and related issues, have a bearing on working women. In relation to the pharmaceuticals sector: Whether there are perceptions that some jobs are more appropriate for women than others. Whether gender bias, marital status, personal appearance and religious discrimination have a bearing on recruitment techniques and practices. Whether there are perceived or real barriers to women achieving management positions. Research Methodology and Methods A number of methods will be used in order to achieve the objectives. Secondary research will establish the required information on cultural and societal norms, and legislation. Primary research will provide the quantitative and qualitative information pertaining to women in the workplace. Participants will be invited to complete a questionnaire without disclosing their name. In this way their anonymity will be protected and it should ensure that they are able to be open and honest about their workplace experiences without any fear of reprisal. Online questionnaires will enable participants with access to a computer to respond relatively quickly and easily, however paper questionnaires can also be issued if this is deemed more suitable for certain members of the sample population. Primary Research A questionnaire designed to elicit the required information will be prepared for workers at the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA). The Authority was established on 10th March 2033 and is charged with ensuring that drugs and foodstuffs manufactured for consumption by humans and animals are safe; this includes chemical and biological substances and also medical equipment. SFDA has been chosen because it has a relationship at some level with all the pharmaceuticals companies in Saudi Arabia, and it also sets the standards and regulations as to how they operate. Questionnaire 1: The survey will include a sample of both male and female workers at SFDA, based on the demographic of people of working age in Saudi Arabia. Current estimates indicate that the ratio of males to females aged 15–64 years is approximately 5:4, however it is not known exactly how many female workers are currently employed at SFDA. Ideally, a sample of 180 employees would include 100 men and 80 women. The questionnaire will ask workers about their educational background prior to employment, to provide information on their current position at SFDA. Data will be gathered on their responsibilities in the workplace, and also those outside work relating to childcare and care of any other dependants. Questions about the impact the job makes on their financial situation will be included. Finally, the questionnaire will seek to establish the career plans of participants and their experiences of training and promotion. Questionnaire 2: Directed at Human Resources (HR) personnel, this questionnaire will ask about participants’ interview techniques when recruiting staff, including the extent to which personal questions about an applicant’s marital status, social status, place of residency and childbearing plans are discussed. Peebles, Darwazeh, Ghosheh and Sabbah (2007) found it was common practice among HR professionals in Jordan to ask personal questions at job interviews, which the staff justified on the basis that this was a way of obtaining information about the character of an applicant, and of determining their suitability for work-related travel or overtime. The questionnaire will ask about the types of jobs, and the opportunities for training and promotion, that are available to men and women, with the intention of determining whether these are on an equal footing. Qualitative information on the perceived commitment levels of female and male employees will also be sought. Other Methods Data collection could also be achieved via a longitudinal study, that is where the researcher spends a considerable period of time embedded in the organisation in order to observe interrelationships and company operations on a day-to-day basis. Structured or semi-structured interviews could be conducted with workers and HR personnel as an alternative to a survey. One or more focus groups could be convened to discuss the findings of the survey, in order to provide enhanced qualitative information. These methods have been considered and rejected as they are either too time-consuming and impracticable. Secondary Research Reports and articles by other researchers concerned with female workers in the Middle East and their work experiences in pharmaceuticals companies will be studied to obtain an overview of the sector and the key issues relating to women workers. Very basic statistical information about SFDA is also available on LinkedIn[5] where a few members of staff are also listed. Data Analysis Information from the questionnaires will be analysed to elicit clear information on the position of women working in pharmaceuticals in KSA – their educational background, experience of recruitment, training and promotion and any barriers they have encountered in terms of their advancement in the workplace. Qualitative information will provide the context for the statistics. Planning and Critical Analysis Permission will be needed from the SFDA Executive Management to conduct the survey among a sample of staff members, and the researcher’s contact person within the company could facilitate this. If permission is not granted, it may still be possible for some members of staff to participate in a private capacity (for example, via LinkedIn) although participants may be hesitant and it may be difficult to attract 180 people by this method. SFDA may wish to alter the wording or the questions in the survey to suit company needs, however any proposed changes will have to be carefully scrutinised by the researcher before any changes are agreed. Alternatively, another pharmaceuticals company could be used, such as Merck Serono, which has a base in Saudi Arabia but company headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland and a UK office. Limitations The surveys are limited to a selection of the working population in one specific organisation and although a degree of extrapolation is possible the findings will not represent a comprehensive and in-depth view of the country’s entire pharmaceuticals sector. Timescale Obtaining permissions and approvals and distributing questionnaires will take up to five weeks, with data analysis in week six and writing up of the findings in weeks seven – ten. References: BBC (2012). Saudi Arabia profile. Online. 16th January. [available at:] Issa, N.A., Al-Ammar, A.I. and Mostafa, S. (2009) Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Industries in Saudi Arabia. American Health Lawyers Association. Minkus-McKenna, D. (2009). Women Entrepreneurs in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Working paper. Offenhauer, P. (2005). Women in Islamic societies: a selected review of social scientific literature. Report. Library of Congress. Online. [available at:] Peebles, D., Darwazeh, N., Ghosheh H. and Sabbah, A. (2007) Factors Affecting Women’s Participation in the Private Sector in Jordan. Research Report. National Center for Human Resources Development. Sadi, M. A. and Al-Ghazali, B. M. (2010). ‘Doing business with impudence: A focus on women entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia. Research paper.’ African Journal of Business Management Vol. 4(1), pp.1-11, January. Online. [available at:]. Saudi Food and Drug Authority. [available at:]

Biblical Servant Leadership

Jesus set a great model to us. Yet He is the master, the greatest?he has the power and the ability to stand on top of the crowd but He Is also the least and the lowest to be able to wash the feet to human beings. I think the most challenged but precious part is the second one especially if you are a leader. That's why called â€Å"Servant† leader. Yet serving others can be tough; expending energies and time in the interest of others can be exhausting. I believe as a Christian we all experience that spent lots of time accompany with non-believers but then captioned later on or felt being used.Yet we felt hurt and trust me, I DO. However, every time when I look through what Jesus had suffered, the betrayal, I know there Is nothing to compare and I also be comforted from Him knowing He Is taking in charge; thereby, I become more mature slowly by slowly. I do believe the more you emulate from Him, the more you know how to be a real leader who stand firmly in this spiritual and sec ular world. Does one leadership model appeal to you more than the others? If yes, why? Yes.In y point of view, Richard Arden gives the most understandable and the easiest concept when we talk about how to be a servant leader. The whole point of being a servant leader is that you know God is the Lord. In other words, He is the first of the first. If there Is not God involves in then there will be just talking about the secular leadership. Therefore, God holds all the authority not a person (leader) who has this right from his own. Secondly, as a servant leader you must know you are the chosen partner from God to lead a group of people or a task to fulfill God's own wills.Therefore, leadership Is a partnership between the leader and God the almighty. Thirdly, Jesus has given the best example of being the first is being the last. He is the first, the almighty and the only one without the sin but bore the mocks from sinners and crucified for the rest. Another example, He, the first, had washed the feet for the followers as a servant (the least) with a humble heart. The real leader is not the one who can only be on top but often the one who humble himself to do the lowliest thing In the group.Fourthly, leadership Is a fullness of concept and action. A servant leader must do and think It completely from Inside out. You cannot hide the arrogance in your heart and do all the good things to others and say you are the loyal servant of God. There is no hidden thought that can't be seen from our Lord. Fifthly, leadership is the spiritual gift from God because not anyone can be given this empowerment. Therefore, the great power comes the great responsibility. At last, a true servant leader should be clear that all the followers who be authorized to lead

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Letter for Master Degree Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Letter for Master Degree - Essay Example Accordingly, I have already completed my B.A. course in criminal justice administration from the Columbia College of Missouri (December, 2006) securing 2.2 GPA, missing cum laude by 0.2. After graduation, I chose the option of military service in the US Navy, as it would expose me to the world outside, and expand my horizons significantly and appreciating the compulsions of a great power as the USA, while dealing with the outside world. It is affording me the opportunity to pit myself against the best and compete hard successfully. After retiring from this service, I intend to pursue my long term career ambition in the legal profession. With my service background and personal philosophy of service to the society, I intend to pursue a career in the US Secret Service agencies. I kept myself abreast of the developments in the legal profession, even during my military service, by accessing current literature on the subject through magazines and the Internet. I am also pursuing the Masters Course from the American Military University through distance learning and earned two credits so far, which I intend to transfer to my program with your university. Before deciding to join the graduate program in the Columbia College of Missouri, I have done a bit of Internet based research on the program in order to concretize my understanding of the course and to satisfy myself that I am indeed in need of that qualification. I was convinced that a formal and structured training in criminal legal administration, under the tutelage of experts should help me immensely. I have decided then itself to go in for Masters program, as soon as I can. I am aware of the details of the program in Columbia College of Missouri, its emphasis on extensive self-study of the relevant literature for each topic / subject, case study approach, developing one’s presentation skills, usage of libraries / online resources, and interaction with faculty. I am fully committed

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

In all seriousness, what do you think is going to happen with regard Essay

In all seriousness, what do you think is going to happen with regard to global warming and climate change Are we going to make it if so or not, why - Essay Example Global warming/climate change is a human caused problem and the solution also will be provided by humans themselves. We as humans are causing changes to the Earth’s ecosystem and getting affected in return. Therefore, in order to make it through, in order to survive, we should agree to this effort for the conservation of life on Earth. Because if we’re not going to do to anything to prevent global warming/climate change, the countries will become hotter, sea level will rise, there will be an increase in rains and storms and the weather will go to its extreme. We can help reduce the global warming by using the energy sensibly. As everyone knows Global warming is a serious issue and everybody should come together to fight against global warming. These weather extremes affect those the most who are poor, old, very young or sick as they don’t have the capability to deal with the climate changes. But in a broader aspect the climate change/global warming is affecting humans. If we can cause a problem, we can surely solve the problem too. Climate change is a global issue. Dealing with it is a collective responsibility. Yet it is obvious that the world’s poorest countries will be the most affected by it. And failure to reduce global warming will cause a dangerous environment for millions of people. As many poor people already live in a deprived environment where food, clean water and shelter are inadequate– climate change will worsen their condition. As it is obvious that extreme weathers are the impact of global Warming, it will lead us to a state where hot days will become hotter, the rainfalls will become heavier, the flooding will become more frequent, the hurricanes more brutal, the draughts more acute. So as to get through this, all the awareness campaigns and efforts by environmental conservation organizations will not go in vein. They are playing their part and we should play ours by cooperating